Friday, 19 August 2011

Operation Beautiful

I recently stumbled upon Operation Beautiful and completely fell in love with the concept! Launched by 26-year-old Caitlin Moran from Charlotte, North Carolina on her blog in 2009, the scheme helps to promote positive well-being and self-image to other people across the globe. Instead of the bitchy remarks that are heard all too often nowadays, Operation Beautiful aims to end the negative self-talk in women, children and men by encouraging the positive qualities within everyone. The idea is simple: by posting nice, cute and inspirational messages on post-it-notes in random, public places, you are able to make one person feel better about themselves and spread a feeling of warmth and love. Operation Beautiful is transforming the way you see yourself, one post-it-note at a time. 

So how can you get involved and spread the love? Simply carry a pad of post-it-notes and a pen in your handbag/pocket/coat and leave an inspirational message anywhere you feel someone will be able to see it. The toilets, the gym changing rooms, the library, the supermarket- seriously anywhere! You’ll feel good about yourself for imparting some affection and I can guarantee that whoever receives the note will surely appreciate it!

I believe that everyone’s unique qualities should be valued and celebrated and self-confidence is imperative to happiness. And what better way of spreading the self-confidence, happiness and well-being than through these random, little gestures? This is certainly a scheme we should all be involved in in this day and age where the world seems to be obsessed with the perfect body, seen in photoshopped images in the media. Because we are all beautiful and perfect in our own special way!

So whack out your post-it-note today and impart a little bit more joy in this world of negativity. Remember you’re beautiful!

If you want any more information about Operation Beautiful, visit their site here.



  1. This is fantastic. I did a project at uni that was similar to this, all about making people smile with random acts of kindness. Smiling is contagious. :)

  2. That is such a great idea. How did you find out about it? I love your blog and your writing style.

    I'd love for you to check out my fashion & gossip blog xx

  3. Aw thankyou both for your lovely comments! I don't know how I stumbled upon this idea to be honest, but I love it!

    Scarlett your blog is amazing, definitely a follower! :-) xx
